Keep Peat in Bogs not Bags

Mushrooms, for peat’s sake? It seems Britain and Ireland’s mushroom growers use nothing but peat from our extensive CO2-storing peat bogs, adding to the continued decimation and massive CO2 emissions caused by the gardening trade. As part of its campaign to save our heritage from the effects of climate change, the National Trust has removed…

Pesky Pumpkin Remains

Halloween sees people the world over getting creative with pumpkin carving and results in tons of wasted pumpkins if people don’t have the means, the time or the oomph to make good use of this great veg. The main rule is to make sure it doesn’t end up in landfill, where the rotting vegetable matter…

Sustainable Fish

Not a lot of people know this but species-rich, undamaged marine ecosystems actually draw down CO2 and sequester it through natural processes, which is very good in the fight against climate change. Over-fished marine ecosystems can cause greenhouse gas emissions in several different ways, including through destructive fishing methods such as bottom trawling – alarmingly…

How to cook pasta and save energy

The furore in Italy is a paygrade above the average Brit’s palette, but cooking pasta badly is easily done. Here is a method to cook pasta and save energy and keep it tasting good. The instructions are simple: Sources (get it???) below. Links and Resources to cook pasta and save energy