How to cook pasta and save energy

The furore in Italy is a paygrade above the average Brit’s palette, but cooking pasta badly is easily done. Here is a method to cook pasta and save energy and keep it tasting good. The instructions are simple: Sources (get it???) below. Links and Resources to cook pasta and save energy

Saved some Money, saved some Carbon

The Islington Climate Centre just posted a blog entry about our joint event earlier in November. TL:DR? Lots of talk about potential action through: energy efficiency, draught exclusion, community energy, raised awareness in minority communities, Climate Fresk, electricity grid renewable energy content per hour of the day via mobile app YoYu, group action, carbon allowances….

Green Christmas Trees

Apparently, most plastic Christmas trees end up in the garbage before their fifth year. This makes them a very poor substitute, ecologically-speaking, for real Christmas trees. It needs to be used for at least 12 years to break even with the average real Christmas tree, from a carbon footprint perspective (3.5kg per real tree). One…

Cost of Living & CO2 Workshop Nov 19th

Photo by Tina Dawson on Unsplash

🌨️ 🎰 Take action on the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis in one go. 🌍 Come and find out about what we can do to deal with the situation about money, energy and the climate Saving energy helps the climate, and your cost of living ⚡ Pick up tips about how to…

Finding the right type of Workshop

Engaging people is difficult. Everyone is so busy, or so uninterested, or so cynical. Just laying out the information and expecting people to pick up on it hasn’t been working to date so we’re investigating more interactive ways of generating participation. Islington Clean Air Parents ran a “public assembly” last month to see if they…

Carbon Allowances

Carbon allowances are fair and no-one is talking about them when they are probably the best approach to climate change. Why not?

How to work out what any domestic appliance costs to run

There are two different types of appliance when it comes to working out energy use – the appliances that use a fixed amount, and the appliances that vary their consumption. The first type is simple and the necessary info is the item’s declared power in Watts or Kilowatts, such as these typical items: iron (1.5kW)…