Make sure to help the local bird population right now as winter makes their lives hard. Less daylight hours to forage, less forage to find, frozen water sources and higher metabolic energy demands all pile on the pressure for our garden songbirds. So clean and fill up those bird feeders. You don’t need a garden,…
Tag: wildlife
Lawns, grass and nature
Everyone loves a nice lawn but in the 21st Century, lots of us are seriously worried about the carnage beyond our gardens and what we can do to help nature – #NoMowMay is the latest. Plant fanatics PLANTLIFE advocate not mowing for the whole of May to encourage natural wildflowers to bloom. Admittedly the finer…
Pot Plants for Insects
Honeybees, mining bees, bumblebees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths all need our help. Grow these pollen and nectar-rich herbs: Try these flowering pot plants: but forget about verbena, pelargoniums and fuchsias as far as the insects are concerned.