January’s Climate Workshop

People participating in a climate fresk workshop

We ran a standard Climate Fresk workshop as an introduction to the climate crisis, involving a 1 1/2 hour session learning the climate science behind global warming from the UN IPCC AR6 reports, followed by a 1 1/2 hour session discussing the facts, fictions, feelings and actions that come out of the climate science. It was meant to be 1 1/2 hours but we ran out of time as everyone realised at 9:15pm how late it was (including the facilitator – room for improvement there – Ed.).

A climate fresk - cards explaining climate science

Here are some recommended links (thanks Antoine and Susie):

The Climate Connection – a London-based, business-oriented climate networking group that holds regular meetings

The Gresham College science events, including one coming up on Ocean Physics – there were previous such events on atmospheric science etc. These are free and recordings are available online as well. Highly recommended. Led by Professor Myles Allen whose “net zero” concept has been co-opted by the fossil fuel industry 🤨

Also from Antoine: his vision on how **we** are the solution to change things: the Ganddee app https://www.ganddee.com/

“We won’t tell you to stop living your life, we will help you live it sustainably. Because it’s not about being perfect, it’s about doing what you can.”

Plus the Ganddee Map, currently restricted to London: https://www.ganddee.com/londonmap

And where Antoine posts his interviews with climate scientists: Open Climate Research Agora: https://www.climateresear.ch/

For more info from Antoine, all links are available at https://linktr.ee/bluteshi (we post small bite sized educational content on instagram, we post more meaty posts on Linkedin, etc).

Susie recommended BBC Radio 4’s Rethink Climate podcast. I’ve listened to two in the series so far and the one about climate communications in particular perfectly outlined what the problem is today – at least in the UK and the USA.

Lastly, EcoCounts is setting up a sustainability and climate group for people who want to be really active with group support: https://ecocounts.community/get-involved/

If you like the idea of running a workshop with the Climate Fresk framework and raising people’s awareness of the climate crisis, take one of their facilitator training sessions.

If anyone else has anything to add, please use the comments section. Thanks for attending and don’t forget: our cognitive biases will make us tend to forget and downplay the issues about climate change unless we keep reminding ourselves.

Participants at an EcoCounts workshop debating the cause and effect of something to do with climate change

By Adam Hardy

Zoologist at heart. Environmentalist by necessity. Stage hand, financial trader, secretary, card payments designer, software developer, fossil fuel big data warehouse consultant. Amateur psychologist. Now climate change salvage engineer.

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