Three Little Birds on your Doorstep

Blackbird on a leafless branch with only 3 red rosehips in winter, image by Aneta Rog, Pixabay

Make sure to help the local bird population right now as winter makes their lives hard. Less daylight hours to forage, less forage to find, frozen water sources and higher metabolic energy demands all pile on the pressure for our garden songbirds.

So clean and fill up those bird feeders. You don’t need a garden, a little bit of green in a window box will suffice to attract foraging birds.

Bird food, especially the insect-based ones, can be expensive to buy in the supermarket. Please send in any tips for saving money on it by hitting the reply button.

By Adam Hardy

Zoologist at heart. Environmentalist by necessity. Stage hand, financial trader, secretary, card payments designer, software developer, fossil fuel big data warehouse consultant. Amateur psychologist. Now climate change salvage engineer.