Waste No More

More please, asked Oliver, an orphan in rags with an empty bowl. A still from Oliver Twist

In the UK we waste about £250 of food per person a year, or 10 million tonnes in total, according to the sustainability research group WRAP. That includes waste by us at home, by shops, restaurants and cafés and farms. Here’s one way we can help shops and restaurants combat the problem and save money at the same time:

  1. Buy “magic bags” of random assorted get-what-you’re-given food from supermarkets to greengrocers with the Too Good To Go app at 50% discount or more
  2. Be more specific and get reduced price food from restaurants with the Karma app, although you often pay more
  3. Get whatever is offered by people for free (share, don’t bin) with the app Olio – get anything from half a loaf of bread to a bottle of curry paste
  4. And when the previous three methods don’t work, eat for free and sometimes even get paid as a mystery guest at restaurants and cafés with MHEG Mystery Dining and other organisations who offer dining survey jobs continuously

More Resources

Cut price feasts and mystery meals – one mum shares what it’s like to live on food waste apps for a week

Mystery Dining How to eat for free

Olio https://olioapp.com/en/

Karma https://staging.karma.life/

Too Good To Go https://www.toogoodtogo.com/

MHEG Mystery Dining https://www.mysterydining.net/

WRAP https://www.wrap.ngo/resources/report/food-surplus-and-waste-uk-key-facts-updated-november-2023

By Adam Hardy

Zoologist at heart. Environmentalist by necessity. Stage hand, financial trader, secretary, card payments designer, software developer, fossil fuel big data warehouse consultant. Amateur psychologist. Now climate change salvage engineer.