Someone Talking Rubbish? Do A By-pass

Photo by Nathan Bingle man holding reading magnifying glass reading a book on brown wooden table Unsplash

People talking rubbish about the climate, the environment, nature, or sustainability often makes us want to contradict them, but that is most often futile, and there is a better way to approach it.

If someone tells you that offshore wind turbines kill whales, tell them that wind energy adds billions to the world economy. That’s called a by-pass.

This works for several reasons. Firstly, if the person was in doubt about the information and was open to correction, they would most likely have phrased it differently, so you have avoided an argument. Secondly, it is unlikely there is anything you can say to change their mind. Thirdly, by giving them positive information about the subject, they can keep their original belief but just deprioritise it to a “necessary evil”, taking on board the useful information you gave them.

By Adam Hardy

Zoologist at heart. Environmentalist by necessity. Stage hand, financial trader, secretary, card payments designer, software developer, fossil fuel big data warehouse consultant. Amateur psychologist. Now climate change salvage engineer.